Best Desk Exercise Equipment
Best Desk Exercise Equipment

Serenelife Slepl9.5 Elliptical Under Desk Exercise Equipment – Compact Ergonomic
New (Other)
Balance Ball Chair
Balance balls, also called exercise balls, are heavy-duty, elastic, air-filled balls that are often sold with diameters ranging from 45 centimeters (18 inches) to 65 centimeters (26 inches). While balance balls are able to achieve the same result as balance discs when seated, they can also be used for fun exercises such as wall squats or roll-outs.
Some people may be able to balance on balance balls as well as balance discs. But that would require being a Jedi.
I prefer using my balance ball so I don’t have to get on the floor to do abdominal crunches.
Balance balls became such a popular option as an office chair replacement that you can now buy balance ball chairs. Balance balls with a structure base provide casters and a back, giving them full functionality as office chairs.
Try rolling across your cubicle on a balance ball without the chair base and you’ll appreciate why that base is so useful. Of course, the balance ball can still be removed from this base to do the exercises I mentioned above.
Best For Mobility And Stretching
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, adults should aim for 2-5 flexibility sessions per week.
Healthline reported that muscle massage can help release tension, increase flexibility and improve range of motion. Jess DeGore is a dietitian, triathlete, CD, CD and RD.
Here’s a list of items you might want to add to your office in order to be mobile and adaptable.
- Dimensions: 13 x 5.5 inches (33 x 14 cm)
As DeGore said, using a foam roller can be a great way to relieve muscle tension and improve mobility. This foam roller is small, so it’s easy to fit underneath your desk and pull out during the day when you need to work out some muscle stiffness.
This foam roller is designed with a grid pattern rather than a smooth surface so that it can get deeper into muscle knots. If you are new to foam rolling it might be difficult for you. Use light pressure or a smooth roller for your first attempt.
Amazon has over 17,000 positive reviews for the TriggerPoint Grid foam roller. Although the main complaint is the fact that it is hard to use, the vast majority of reviews don’t agree with this opinion.
One of the main complaints in reviews was about the cost. However, many reviews also comment on how durable and long-lasting the foam roller is, so it may just be worth the price tag.
Thefitlife Resistance Bands
While not a tool specifically designed as a piece of desk exercise equipment, resistance bands are the ultimate “work anywhere” tool and that includes at your desk. These super-strong bands can help you burn fat and build muscle. You can build strength in very specific areas of your body, increase your coordination, improve flexibility and mobility, increase your range of motion and improve your overall health. They’re lightweight, portable and made of premium materials to ensure your safety during use. Anchor them to your desk or pull them out and work in a quick 10-minute strength workout between calls easily with five different bands that can be used individually or combined for intensity levels between 10-110lbs. The kit also comes with attachable handles, ankle straps and door anchors.
You can use your doorway to get an exercise bar for a better ab workout.
It’s available here
With this handy piece, you can target your arms, core, back, and chest muscles without wasting floor space. You only need a doorway.
This padded piece of space-saving exercise equipment allows you to turn your door into a pullup bar. You can pull-ups with weight vests on thanks to the 300 lbs of capacity.
This is not the end of it. It can be used for many other purposes. You can do pushups and situps as well as dips. You can also choose the muscle group that you want to target with 3 grip positions on this bar.
And of course, this incredibly compact exercise equipment will not clutter a small space.
Nurture Your Sore Muscles Anywhere With This Compact Foam Roller Set
It’s available here
Without getting too anatomical, using a foam roller long-term can help you ease the soreness and knots in your muscles. And we all know that not being able to move the next day after the workout can be pretty discouraging.
It takes a lot of practice to learn how and where to use the foam roller. You can learn a bit more about the experience in this INSIDER article. And while the variety of foam rollers out there is so huge that it’d send Chidi into a stunned stupor (shout out to “The Good Place” fans), you need to start somewhere.
The roller set above is like a nesting doll of muscle relaxation goodness. The set stacks easily for storage and still provides you with rollers that will suit every type of muscle. You can choose from a stiff foam roller to relieve sore muscles or a soft roller for delicate areas such as your neck.
And don’t forget to properly massage your hands and feet with the other rollers in the set. They can also build up lactic acid, causing cramping and rendering you unable to work out at home.
Efficiency and Performance:
Without good performance and work efficiency with the desk stationary exercise bike you choose, you’d be better off without one. Depending on the noise, design, and resistance a work station exercise bike uses, users will have different experiences in terms of performance.
The correct ergonomic design that puts your arms and legs in the right position during work and exercise on an under desk exercise machine will also determine the experience that one gets.
Top portable stand up desk bike like FlexiSpot are more expensive but have the ergonomic design, features and functionalities to provide relaxed office desk exercises.
Interactive Cardio Training with the Switch
It’s available here
Yes, I know we are here to talk about getting in shape and not gaming but hear me out.
Nintendo Switch features several fitness games that, combined with Joy-Con controllers, track your movement and keep you engaged throughout the whole workout. This is an excellent option if your workouts are boring after a few minutes.
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Let’s start with Fitness Boxing 2. You box using 2 Joy-Cons to track your ability to land jabs and uppercuts.
Through a variety of ducks and dodges, it also provides a good workout for your glutes and abs. The game tracks how many calories you’ve burned, allows you to customize the duration and intensity of the routine, and keeps you motivated via rewards and encouragement from your trainer.
Fitness Boxing 2 gives you a full-body cardio workout with a specific focus on your arms and back. And why do I know so much about it? Because it is the only fitness “equipment” that has managed to keep my interest and motivate me to exercise indoors for over a year.
Buy it here
Let’s now talk about Ring Fit Adventure. With this set, you can go on a fitness adventure that requires you to work out to battle monsters. The Ring-Con and Leg Strap respond to your real-life movements. To run in the game, you must run in real-life. Fight enemies by performing complex exercises that target specific muscle groups.
I’ve played this one as well, and let me tell you, this game makes you properly sweat and lose weight. And, once again, it keeps you engaged and focused, wanting to do more instead of counting down minutes till the end of the workout.
Recumbent Bike Desk
One of the exercises to do at your desk is using a recumbent desk bike. They look just like an exercise bike and have a monitor that allows you to choose from different programs as well as track your calories, distance, and RPM.
Recumbent desk bikes can be a great option if you’re looking for exercise at your desk or to watch a film while working out. What I like very much about recumbent exercise bikes while sitting in chair is their back support and large seat.
They allow you to adjust the fore/after position for an easy exercise at your desk. But what I don’t like about them is their large size. It is also not easy to do stand up desk workouts with recumbent bike desks.
You can keep your small space aesthetics on point with this detachable pull-up & dip bar
It’s available here
Two things separate this pull-up bar from the rest.
It will be a focal point in the room and not an eye sore. It consists of the two main parts: the base and pull-up bars. After the workout, you can detach the bar from the base and hide it, while the flat base can be covered by a painting or a tapestry.
The full package also gives you an outdoor adapter for the bar. Mount it to a tree, or place it in your preferred location. Enjoy the fresh air and burn calories.
Buy it here
Pump up your daily Fitbit score with this twister stepper. This stepper can be used to give you a great cardio workout. You can simply run in place. You can also adjust the height of your steps and use twister bands to work both your upper and lower body.
You can still work out no matter what the weather is or what your plans are. You can easily burn approximately 300 calories in 45 minutes.
Plus, this small cardio machine takes up minimal floor space (measuring only 16 x 12 x 13 inches) and you can hide it under a bed or in a closet.
Fit Tracker
It is important to keep your head and eyes open when trying to achieve a goal. You will still be motivated no matter what your progress is, regardless of how small. Invest in a fitness tracker if you want to keep an eye on those steps and the extent of physical activity during the day. You can vary the intensity or decide the functionality of equipment based on the results your fitness tracker shows you.
The productivity devices track everything, from steps taken to achieve sleep patterns to blood pressure and heart beats. Some have alerts that will remind the user to exercise, stretch, drink, or take a break during the day.
Work Out At Your Desk
Even if you have the motivation or time to squeeze in a gym session after work, it’s hard to counter eight hours of continuous sitting.
A few short, frequent bursts can get you moving and help your brain pump more oxygen. This will allow your brain to function better, which in turn helps with your focus and memory. It’s amazing how little exercise can make you feel more energized and less tired by the end of your day.
All of this doesn’t mean that you have to change jobs tomorrow–fortunately, innovative solutions to this problem have already been created.
Special office equipment has been designed to limit your inactive time at work so you can still burn calories, feel better, and stay productive.
You can also pair these office workout essentials with easy exercises you can do from your desk!
#7 Fitdesk Desk Workstation and Exercise Bike
It is easy to set up, and takes only a few minutes. This desk bike is well-built mechanically. It has a comfy seat that can be used for short periods (not too long). It can be used while you type on or watch TV.
You also get two forearm massage rollers and resistance bands to combine the upper body workouts the lower body exercise while enjoying your favorite show. This desk cycle is unique in that it has accessory storage.
You can store your keys, phone, and tablet in the storage in the middle of the desk right below your laptop. This upright desk bike also has 8 magnetic resistance settings that allow you to choose between very easy and easy pedaling, or difficult. It also features a sturdy cycling mechanism with non-slip surface.
This folding exercise bike comes with a tablet holder and is very easy to adjust. The desktop adjusts fore/aft, up/down while the seat adjusts from the upright to the semi-recumbent position.
The display unit has three operating modes, although it is very simple. Generally speaking, this bike offers a bit more than we are used to seeing in this category. This is something beginners and budget users will most definitely appreciate.
Luxfit Chair – Best For Yoga
- A HEALTH EXPERTS DESIGNED AN OFFICE CHAIR – This chair is designed to assist with…
If you are looking for a exercise equipment that can work for your back while you sit in your workspace doing your work, this is one of it. This exercise ball chair is really a innovative product in the market. The chair is exclusively designed in a way to give relief to spine and back health which often goes for a toss with sedentary lifestyle. The chair is doctor recommended so be rest assured it does not have any side-effects.
It can support up to 300 pounds of weight. If you have a moderate body size this can be a god choice. We won’t recommend this standing desk for those with very large bodies. It comes with a 2-year warranty.
- Stable
- Innovative design
- Supports spine and back health
- It’s easy to store
- Is a good height
- Not good for obese persons
Upright Desk Bike
The most type of efficient workout at your desk is using a stationary desk bike designed and built for this purpose. They are upright and allow you to pedal comfortably.
What I love about them is that you can use them as a standing computer desk or seated desk job exercise machine. Additionally, what I like about these desk ab workout bikes is that the chair and the desk are connected together.
You don’t need to be concerned about your chair shifting when you pedal. The main con of desk cycle pedal bikes is the lack of back support during work. If that’s not a factor for you, a bicycle desk chair will be a good exercise while sitting at work.
Mini Exercise Bike
Mini exercise bikes are like standard stationary bikes, but with everything lobbed off except the pedaling mechanism, which itself is a bit smaller than on a full-sized stationary bike.
What you are left with is a compact machine you can fit under your desk and pedal while you sit. It requires no engagement by your upper body, so it’s easy to perform all normal desk duties (such as typing, writing, and engaging in meetings) while using the minibike.
The machines are quiet and allow for you to move your legs all day. The DeskCycle, a mini exercise bike with adjustable resistance, lets you track how far you’ve ridden (virtually).
Like the mini stepper, the mini elliptical allows you to sit and use the elliptical under the desk, or stand and use it with or without attached resistance bands. Although it is heavier than the mini-stepper, the mini elliptical offers more motion and feels natural under the desk.
The mini elliptical also works better under desks than the mini stepper. This is because you can turn the mini-elliptical forward to get the perfect angle for your legs.
However, both will make your knees come up several inches higher than usual, so if you already have limited leg space under the desk, these might not be the best options. These are great options to sitting in a fixed position if you have a standing desk.
Get small weights for free
The first best desk and office exercise equipment are small free weights. These weights don’t take up too much space, are very affordable, and can be used for a variety of different exercises.
Leanrite Elite
I am both the inventor and a daily user of a product called the LeanRite Elite. The LeanRite is an adjustable, standing desk chair that encourages proper posture and is designed for maximum movement throughout the day.
By using the LeanRite, people will be retraining the muscles to work properly and to provide good support for the spine. It will help you burn calories and reduce pain caused by sedentary lifestyle.
Barry M. Schwartz
Deskcycle Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser
The under-desk bicycle trainer works the legs. It has eight calibrated resistance levels and uses magnetic resistance for smooth and quiet operation.
It fits under desks as low as 27 in and weighs 23 lbs. Its dimensions are:
- 24-hours in length
- 20 in wide
- 10 in high
This product features a removable LCD that displays speed, time & distance. It requires two AA batteries to operate.
You can purchase the DeskCycle at Amazon for $189.00
Best Ellipticals
Under-desk ellipticals are similar to bicycles. They allow individuals to pedal and work, with a more back-and forth motion than a biking motion. Below are two under-desk ellipticals to consider.
Adjustable Height Standing Desk
This is a great desk workout equipment to have because a standing desk encourages greater movement throughout your day while helping optimize your cognition, improve focus, enhance collaboration, reduce back and neck pain, increase productivity and boost calorie burn.
Xiser Commercial Mini Stairmaster
This miniature stairmaster is another easy machine to implement into your at-home workstation or desk at the office to work your lower body muscles throughout the day. The machine is lightweight at only 14 pounds and can support 400lbs. The body is made from polished alloy with a patent hydraulic cylinder system inside that adjusts resistance to silicone fluid. It doesn’t require assembly and can be used standing or sitting. This allows you to work out while getting your exercise in.
Under-Desk Treadmill
This office equipment can be described as an under-desk treadmill. Under desk treadmills is a miniature form of a common treadmill exercise machine, with smaller dimensions and no handlebars. It lets you take full steps while walking at your desk, and is, therefore, less limiting in the range of motion it offers than the other machines.
These treadmills are usually made with office environments in mind, so this under desk exercise equipment is not loud and is not intended for running or even fast walking. One of these treadmills will allow you to take a relaxing walk at your desk.
Under Desk Exercise Equipment
Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to get your office moving. Many workplaces now encourage walking meetings, which are a great way to get aerobic exercise into the workday. However, you might want a way to get that kind of exercise while still working at your desk.
Wireless Vertical Mouse, Ergonomic Design With Side Controls
- Studies show that a vertical mouse causes less strain on your wrist and arm.
- Natural, ergonomic design means you’ll be in a healthier place for your body.
- This will prevent you from long-term damage due to the repetitive twisting of your wrist and arm tendons.
- It has an auto-sleep feature that ensures a long battery life.
- The integrated 2.4GHz wireless technology can be used with any tablet, computer, or iPad.
Which types of desk exercise equipment are available?
From under-desk ellipticals to hybrid desk-bicycles, desk exercise equipment has become a popular option among office workers.
Best Desk Exercise Equipment
7. Cubii Jr1 Seated Under Desk Elliptical
These are the Top 10 Desk Exercise Tools for 2021
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Even the most rigorous exercise program can be difficult to sustain a long work day. You can give your active self more support than your sedentary counterpart.
It doesn’t mean you have to leave your job to be healthy. You can easily see how much time is spent on sedentary activities like sitting and driving, sleeping, eating, cooking, reading, etc.
A great innovation today is desk exercise equipment. Sometimes called “deskercise,” this device will keep you in good shape, even though you work at a desk.
If you sit at a desk for the majority of the day, your fitness may be suffering. Why spend all of those hours in the gym if you are just going to sit all day and undo all of that hard work? Get comfortable in your office chair, and learn to deskercise effectively.
I’ve reviewed all available options for desk exercise equipment and have narrowed them down to those that are most effective. These can be used during a conference or coffee break. You will learn more about each product and be better equipped to decide which one is right for you.
Fit Simplify Resistance Loop exercise bands are the clear standout in this roundup. These are ideal for workouts of any kind and the ability to be integrated seamlessly into your daily routine. You can use them with many popular programs like yoga or Pilates. They are perfect for the home and office. They help with both stretching and weight training. You can easily take along your bands for any exercise away from home with the carry bag included with the product.
They are a durable product that you will be able to use and enjoy for many years. There are varying degrees resistance so you can increase your hand strength with each passing day. You get a lifetime guarantee and this product is definitely worth it.
photo shows a girl using her Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands. This is just one example of how these bands can help you increase your fitness. You shouldn’t be sitting all day at work. You can use these resistance bands as a tool to strengthen your core and improve your flexibility.
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7. Cubii Jr1 Seated Under Desk Elliptical
“>best desk exercise equipment!
You can never stop working with one of the best under desk steppers
Working long hours behind a desk isn’t conducive to healthy living. A step machine underneath your desk can be a fantastic purchase that will give you some extra exercise and support your work. A desk-mounted stepper can be used to give your legs a workout that is low in impact. You should be aware of a few important factors before you purchase a under-desk stepper. You can find the Best Under Desk Steppers 2021 here. These machines can be used even by busy workers who struggle to make time for exercise. So which is the best one for you? Take a look at this selection of top-rated products.
1 jfit Premium Under Desk Home Gym Equipment – Top Pick 2 Cubii Seated Under Desk Elliptical Peddler Runner-up 3 Sunny Health & Fitness – Honorable Mention for Fit Desk Under Desk Elliptical Peddler – Also Take Note
Are Under Desk Exercisers Any Good?
Exercise Quality That said, it does have some limitations when compared to full size upright or recumbent models, and we found it best for light to moderate intensity levels of exercise. This machine was great for under desk exercisers, although it wasn’t a high-quality gym workout.
Which Workout Equipment is the Most Effective?
- Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Bike.
- NordicTrack Commercial 1750.
- Tempo Studio.
- Sunny Health & Fitness SF5639 Full Motion Rowing Machine.
- Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells.
- Yes4All Vinyl-Coated Kettlebells
- Sunny Health & Fitness SF-E3912 Elliptical Machine.
How Can I Exercise While Working At My Desk?
- Arm Pulses. These exercises work your triceps, and stretch your shoulders.
- Arm Circles.
- Desk Push-Ups.
- Wall Push Ups
- Chair Squats.
- Standing Rear Pulses.
- Try pretending to be a jump rope.
- Calf Raises.
What is the Most Common Home Exercise Equipment?
- Amazon. TRX All-in-One Suppension Training System.
- Amazon. NordicTrack T Series 6.5S Treadmill.
- Amazon. Amazon.
- Nautilus. Nautilus E616 Elliptical.
- Amazon. Gaiam Total Body Balance Ball Kit.
- Amazon. Flybird Adjustable Dumbbell.
- Amazon. ORCA RS1 Openwater Sleeveless Wetsuit.
- Amazon.
.Best Desk Exercise Equipment