Amazon Target Market
Amazon Target Market In 2022 (Age, Gender + Demographics)
Almost everybody knows what Amazon is because of its extensive product selection and popular fast shipping times.
Amazon is an enormous company. However, it’s possible to be curious as to which market Amazon targets. Where do the majority of Amazon’s customers actually live, for example?
How Will Amazon Target the 2022 Market?
Amazon’s target audience is middle and upper class consumers, equally split between men and women. They have smart devices or computers at home aged 18-44 by 2022. Amazon’s US target market comprises 60%, which prefer to shop online for ease, speed delivery and competitive pricing.
Amazon Does Amazon Target People Who Are Between 18 and 64?
While Amazon has some brick-and mortar stores, most of its sales are done online.
Amazon ranks 9th overall in global internet traffic as of 2022.
Amazon aims to reach a younger customer base with this approach.
Additionally, people ages 35 to 44 are the majority of Amazon Prime subscribers.
Amazon Prime members enjoy even greater savings and exclusive deals than those who are not Prime.
Amazon has a target age for all, due to the popularity of the internet.
Where Is Amazon’s Target Market Located?
Amazon can target any region with Internet access.
Amazon’s international presence means that the company has vast global customer support.
Amazon remains the leading global retailer of general merchandise and tech products, yet it offers an individual shopping experience.
Amazon offers a personalized shopping experience, which is why the location of the market target is hard to determine.
Amazon: Which country is the most popular?
While Amazon is an international company it still leads in both the number and quality of its products.
This makes up more than 60% of Amazon’s overall internet traffic.
Amazon customers in the United States purchase products frequently.
For example, 48% of U.S. consumers visit Amazon more than 1 time a week. And 89% of consumers based in the U.S. visit Amazon at least once a month.
These numbers show clearly that Amazon’s prime target market in America is obvious.
Amazon’s Target Salary bracket: What is it?
His group prefers to shop online over in-person shopping, saving time and money.
Also, this demographic finds Amazon appealing because of its online presence. They are usually busy working and don’t feel they have enough time to stop by a shop.
They are more likely to be interested in discounts and offers. Amazon knows these buying habits so they dedicate certain days to them, such as Amazon Prime Days and Black Friday. Cyber Monday is a day where you can get big discounts.
Amazon Offers Different Gender Shops.
The numbers on which Amazon genders shop at Amazon the most often are fairly evenly divided.
Amazon Customers shop on average a lot.
Amazon customers have a loyal following and often purchase from the retailer.
Amazon Prime subscribers purchase more products than other customers.
Amazon Prime subscribers spend an average of 48% on products, and 74% buy them at least once per week.
Comparing these stats to non-Prime members reveals why Amazon Prime Members get exclusive offers to thank them for being loyal.
This means that only 37% non-Prime members purchase Amazon products more than once per year.
Amazon: How does it cater to its target market?
Amazon has a wide range of products that is the reason it can be so appealing to customers. Amazon sells nearly 120 million different items to appeal to its various target markets.
Amazon continues to reposition products to meet the needs of its customers by catering to their target markets.
Amazon for instance closely watches which products have higher sales and puts advertisements on the homepage.
What Kind Of Lifestyle Do Amazon Consumers Have?
Amazon targets people with hands-on knowledge in technology basics and the know-how necessary to navigate the internet.
Additionally, the online portal Amazon operates is perfect for people who do not feel like they have enough time to get all their shopping done in person.
Amazon shoppers are usually busy, so they would prefer to spend more time on work and leisure than shopping.
Which Amazon Customers Are Most Concerned About These Factors?
Amazon’s price is what attracts customers to purchase products from the company. Amazon was the preferred ecommerce platform for 82%, with consumers reporting that the company’s prices are lower.
Amazon’s low shipping fees, product reviews and flexibility in return policies are just a few of the reasons that customers shop there.
This has led to more than 40% of Amazon shoppers doing at least 25% of their shopping online.
46 percent of those who shop online also visit Amazon for the first time to compare prices.
Convenience is another reason Amazon has so many loyal customers.
Consumers find the Amazon website easy to navigate, and it can serve as a one-stop-shop for all the products they need, saving them time from running to multiple stores.
About half of Amazon customers based in the United States report the ease of shopping as the main reason they shop at Amazon.
Amazon: How Many Customers Shop There?
Amazon receives on average more than 200 million visitors per month.
Amazon claims that it has around 101,000,000 Prime subscribers in America alone.
Amazon is the marketplace of choice for plenty of consumers.
These numbers don’t reflect Amazon Prime, which is not available worldwide.
Amazon Customers’ Views on the Company
Amazon does have large customers, but this doesn’t necessarily make them agree with Amazon on their social or environmental impacts.
Amazon customers are more likely to have negative opinions about Amazon because of their environmental and retail impact.
Amazon may be a monopoly. It does not permit diversity in the retail market.
Amazon provides a large market where entrepreneurs can sell products to counter this.
Additionally, Amazon recently announced their new Climate Pledge, which states the company is committing to reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, using 100% renewable energy by 2030, and ordering 100,000 electric-powered delivery trucks.
You now have a better understanding of Amazon’s target audience. Read our articles about Amazon book sales statistics, what Amazon makes and whether Amazon will be coming to New Zealand.
Amazon’s convenience for the working consumer of middle or upper class is its low prices and quick shipping.
Amazon’s internet presence has also attracted younger customers between 18 and 30 years old. The majority of Amazons’ customer base are Prime subscribers.
What Age Demographic Uses Amazon The Most?
Amazon’s average user is aged 37. In June 2019, 53% (53%) of Amazon users were between 19 and 43 years old, according to the report. This age bracket corresponds with 37% of Americans. Amazon customer demographics clearly show that Amazon target the average American consumer. Jan 3, 2022
Amazon is a Target Demographic
Amazon’s target customers are middle and upper-class people (evenly split among genders) who have home computers or smart-devices aged between 18 and 44 by 2022. Amazon’s US target market comprises 60%, which prefer to shop online for ease, quick delivery and competitive pricing.
Amazon: What gender is most likely to use it?
March 21, 2018
What is Target’s Demographics
Target shoppers are also a bit younger: 58-62 percent of Target’s shoppers are between the age of 18 and 44, as opposed to Walmart, where that age demographic represents about 48 percent of shoppers; Kohl’s, where younger consumers make up about 44 percent of the customer base; and Kmart, which only draws 34 percent of …Nov 3, 2016
.Amazon Target Market In 2022 (Age, Gender + Demographics)